the rest of the trip will be spent hanging w/ the fam, visiting my grandparents, junk shopping whenever possible, and getting in a lot of quality time w/ my best girlfriends....you know those friends that you just love and can't live w/out- well, that is what these girls are. we all grew up together and went to CofC together. katy (is like my sister and we were college roomies for 5 yrs) just had her first baby, an adorable little boy who i haven't been able to meet yet. bec (one of my oldest friends), will be joining my mother and i at scott's for some serious shopping. her husband gave her the go ahead to spend some cash so watch out!! and em (we always manage to get in trouble together) is getting married in about three wks (we all kept our fingers crossed that vegas would be the destination, but her soon-to-be hubbie is a little more traditional)...our b'days are 10 days apart so tomorrow we have a joint b'day celebration planned...then we have her bachlorette party the following week....i hope this momma can keep up!!
tune in next week to see what goodies we find at scott's!! i hope y'all have a great weekend.....
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