when asked what every household needs, jonathan alder summed it up best:
The hanging chair. Every house should have a hanging chair. There is a constant battle over who gets to sit and swing...
well let the battle begin, because as of yesterday, i can now say that our household is the proud owner of one! sitting in a pile of junk (literally, it was next to a walker), i scored this amazing vintage rattan swing for a major steal. i don't think anyone in the store had a clue what it was...i have wanted a swing for so long and was sick to my stomach when i passed one up 2 yrs ago. i want to put it in taylor's big girl room. wouldn't you have loved a swing in your room?!! or she would fit nicely on our future home's porch (i am sure it will have a great one- ha ha). regardless, i couldn't be more excited!
but beyond that, this really just solidifies my idea that you really can find anything you might want out there for a steal....you just have to be patient b/c you never know when it might show up.....
*images courtesy of my swing, cottage living/ pieces, domino, two ellie, apartment therapy
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