Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Decorating With National Geographic Magazines

I found a bunch of National Geographic magazines at an antique mall recently that I bought to put in my parents' new game room.

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I love these magazines! My girls have been in heaven, poring through the pages and looking at all the gorgeous photos and maps inside! Evie said it best when she told me "Mom. The Earth is pretty magic, don't you think?" :)

The covers are so pretty, too! It reminds me of this beautiful Tilton Fenwick room!

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And speaking of that gorgeous room, at the same antique mall that I bought the National Geographic magazines, I found a pair of horn-inlay Karl Springer chippendale style chairs. Major, major heart eyes for these! I'm so tempted by them...

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Wouldn't those seats be great reupholstered in a black leather?

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